Cat Figurines to Put a Smile on Your Face

Cat Figurines to Put a Smile on Your Face

 I fired these tiny ceramic kitty figurines twice in the kiln and then took one of them with me on a summer vacation. It was so cool to take photos with the kitty in them - it created very special memories of those places and I always had a piece of home with me. These tiny kitties come in all shapes and sizes and I love their compactness, cute expressions and that they’re so low maintenance. These cat figurines can live on a shelf, on your desk or in your pocket.

Travelling with a kitty is so much fun. It adds a ton of lightheartedness to your trip. One of the most special moments was taking a photo of Giethoorn, a really fairytale village in the Netherlands, which I had created a print of and filled with a ton of cats.

What I found especially interesting was that having a kitty in the photos changed my perspective  I started noticing micro world that I never saw before because the scale was different.

When I was creating these tiny cat figurines I had only one goal in mind - I wanted to create something light that would put a smile on our face. These tiny ceramic kitty figurines have a big presence. They just add something cute, fun, childish and whimsical to one’s life.

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